Kobo Interviewed Me for their Podcast! (I Geeked Out on Alternative Storytelling Platforms)

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It seems like a million years since early January, when I sat down with Kobo to record this podcast. I’m so excited to announce that the recording is live! The good people at Kobo had initially asked me to share my thoughts on what I call “emerging story platforms.” Those of you who know me well know that I geek out on technology, and on the business aspects of authoring. 2019 was the year I got to know a lot of the places where authors are creating content outside of novel formats: on gaming platforms and interactive story apps and using serialized fiction.

What I thought I was going to talk about for this podcast were Tap by Wattpad, and Radish Fiction, and Hooked, and Choice of Games. I did end up talking about those platforms (I actually offer a workshop on emerging story platforms as well) but I got to talk about a ton of other super-fun things, too. Check out the actual podcast, right here. Meanwhile, Here is the description from Kobo’s website:

KWL – 195 – Alternative Storytelling Platforms with Kilby Blades

Romance author and marketing executive Kilby Blades joins us on the podcast this week to talk about the new, ever evolving storytelling platforms authors can access to not only publish new work, but also expand their reader base. With a background in digital marketing, Kilby shares tips and tricks of the trade, from marketing steamy romance novels to the importance of creating a unique and flexible marketing plan. 

  • Kilby tells us about her writing journey, and how her early beginnings writing fan fiction have influenced her feminist take on writing romance

  • Kilby explains how her background in marketing informed her decision to self publish, and how important an understanding marketing and promotion is for indie authors

  • She also explains why marketing erotic romance is a challenge, and how to go about promoting steamier titles

  • Kilby breaks down the ever-changing, dynamic, and unpredictable nature of marketing, and how you should adapt your marketing plan accordingly 

  • Kilby discusses alternative story-telling platforms, such as Radish, Wattpad, and Choice of Games, and the opportunities they offer authors to create new work, try different storytelling mediums, and expand their reader base

  • She gives us some predictions about the future of publishing, including the emergence of interactive storytelling and how readers who are willing to read outside of their comfort zone can influence the direction of the publishing industry

So, seriously, what are you waiting for? Check this podcast out!!